10 May 2016

style&trouble bloggers tell about Monroc

We propose you the report of Carlotta, blogger of Style&trouble, and her sister Eleonora, who were our guests last winter. We could say special guests from the number of followers the girls have. This is the stylish part... the greedy one of Elli will follow. Take a look!

Explore the Blog!

Read all the articles written directly by the protagonists of the Monroc Hotel life. Discover activities, news, relaxing moments, good food and the secrets of Val di Sole! Monroc, there is more to explore!

booking request

We have a an adoration for every kind of explorer. If you already are or if you would like to feel like a real explorer and you're dreaming about a perfect holiday on the mountains, choose Val di Sole at the base of Dolomiti di Brenta... And choose MONROC as your basecamp, of course. Write us for any information or quotation.

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La società Monica Srl nel corso dell'anno 2024 ha installato un impianto fotovoltaico da 20,00kWh con relativo sistema di accumulo da 16,56kWh con l'obiettivo di ridurre il fenomeno del riscaldamento globale azzerando le emissioni di CO2, oltre al risparmio economico a servizio dell'immobile Hotel Monroc sito in Commezzadura (TN), Stazione Telecabina Daolasa, 22 - 38020 sulla p.ed 215.