19 Feb 2019



The honey Thun, an excellence from Val di Non which you will also find all over the world, crossing over the United States. 

A reality which is handed down from generation into generation: yes right, because the owner Andrea Paternoster inherited his name and surname and, in particular his infinite love for the bees and for the beekeeping.  He also did something more, adding his enthusiasm and passion to let his honey be recognised and apprecciated all over the world. 

He underlines the characteristics and he traces a profile of it: he loves to define it such as territorial, vegrtal, raw, healthy, natural, essential, sweet, homemade, indisposable, limitated, holistic, proambiental, peaceful, maternal, seductive and pure

Furtermore, he assembles his honey in MONOFLOREAL which are picked up in his maximum blooming time in specific and imamculated places. Yes, because in this case the PLACE represents an essential and fundamental element. NOMADIC because the bees are moved in 60 extraordinary places, to let all the honey varieties born. 

Paternoster exalts in particualr the colors of them, shimmering in his tonalities, rich in shades and reflections: shades that you will immediately notice just you dip your spoon into the honey jar. 

We decided to start this collaboration firstly because we share the philosophy of this business, which lays his bases on family inheritance, on traditions, trips along Italy, observations and on the listening of farmer's stories, wise experts of our territory. Secondly because we love and we are proud about the territory where we live, and we think it's a good idea to exalt the products and the fruits which derives from it. 

You will find them on the breakfast buffet to fill in your pancakes or your croissants, at the bar such as sweetener for your teas or for the infusions and, all thursday evening you can combine them with the local cheeses on the "typical buffet". We find them sensational together with the savoury part of the cheeses which make this bond perfect. 

It will be also for you an unforgettable trip...of flavors! 

#honey #valdinon #trentino

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